Friday, September 2, 2011

Love is...

Love is a gamble. Love is a secret. Love is a bottomless drink. Love is an spending all of your time. Love is a fat kid lusting for cake. Love is a day skiing. Love is when you were five, without a care in the world. Love is a box with no expiration date. Love is a roller coaster. Love is that person who keeps coming to mind while I'm writing this post. Love is a clock. Love is just a game with no winner or loser, just a desire to keep playing. Love is Friday (everyone can't wait for it, but once it gets there, you don't know what to do with it). Love is 'my drug.' Love is the reason why we live, die, and do stupid things. "Love is the answer to most of the questions in my heart" - Jack Johnson. Love is a box of chocolates. Love is a Disney movie. Love is a fight. Love is underrated. Love, is love.

- Love is the word which can be described but never DEFINED.
- Love, a crazy, stupid, simple, four letter word.
- "Love is a green stop sign. Love is trying to learn colors in the dark." - K. Nelson


  1. I'm not commenting on this post. I laughed when I read your header. good work.

  2. I like your header too. :) The "person who keeps coming to mind" was really good. I also like the "box with no expiration date".

  3. "Love is just a game with no winner or loser, just a desire to keep playing; Love is the reason why we live, die, and do stupid things" have to be my 2 favorite lines, like ever.
    I really enjoyed this, your writing rocks.
