Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If You Really Knew Me.

If you really knew me

you'd know I'm the shortest of my brothers, which is quite astonishing
since I'm six feet tall.

you'd know I don't like my hair, and I am petrified of leaving my parents.

you'd know I am way too comfortable around some people.

If you really knew me, you'd know I would much rather be out than home,
I regret pieces of my past,
and I can't wait to be a dad.

you'd know I hate sitting, unless I'm with a girl.

you'd know I'm extremely indecisive,
you'd know I'm distracted all too easily,
and I forget things, a lot.

you'd know I love pasta.

you'd know I secretly have a crush on Adele.

you'd know that not much excites me.
I have high expectations for everything,
except myself.

If you really knew me you'd know it doesn't take much to make me jealous,
and that I would much rather type than write on paper.

you'd know that I love my mother more than anyone else in this world, even if I don't show it all of the time.

you'd know that I'm not anywhere close to perfect, but then again.
Neither are you.

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